ESOS Phase 3 compliance and audits

Why choose Smart GreenTech Solutions for your ESOS Phase 3 compliance and audits?

We have extensive ESOS experience and our professionally registered ESOS Lead Assessors will ensure that you achieve fast and cost effective ESOS Phase 3 compliance.

Why wait to start ESOS Phase 3, when you can reduce your energy costs and start saving now!

Under ESOS, large UK organisations are obligated to carry out ESOS energy assessments every 4 years, with the 5th of December 2023 being the next compliance date.

ESOS requires that an organisations total energy consumption over a reference period of twelve (12) consecutive months be calculated, so the earliest reference period for ESOS Compliance Phase 3 would be 1 Jan 22 to 31 Dec 22.

There are four potential routes to ESOS compliance;

ESOS Energy Audit

ISO 50001 Certification

Display Energy Certificates

Green Deal Assessments

If an organisation has a UKAS accredited ISO 50001 (Energy Management System) which covers the full scope of ESOS, then that will suffice as ESOS compliance, but in the absence of this ESOS energy audits will be needed as the next best and most common route to compliance.

The most important steps to follow to ensure compliance before the 5th of December 2023 are;

Select your ESOS Lead Assessor carefully and appoint him/her early to commence with the planning process

Measure your organisations total energy consumption

Conduct energy audits to identify cost-effective energy efficiency opportunities

Report compliance to your national scheme administrator.

The benefits of starting to plan for ESOS Phase 3 now:

Well qualified and experienced ESOS lead Assessors are in short supply, and the closer we get to the compliance date the higher the demand for quality ESOS Lead Assessors -supply and demand

Early action will avoid the resource bottlenecks and other challenges that occurred during ESOS Phase 1 and Phase 2, such as missing deadlines, Enforcement Notices, poor quality and non compliant ESOS audit reports and penalties

Agreeing realistic timeframes and providing your staff with sufficient time for data collection and collation

The earlier energy savings opportunities are identified, the sooner energy saving projects can be implemented and your organisation can start benefitting from significantly reduced energy bills!

Why choose Smart GreenTech Solutions for your ESOS Phase 3 compliance requirements?

Our ESOS lead assessors are CIBSE accredited energy efficiency consultants with extensive experience of conducting energy efficiency audits, identifying and developing practical and cost effective energy reduction opportunities.

Our ESOS lead assessors are all accredited by the Energy Institute as Chartered Energy Managers and registered on the Energy Institutes Register of Professional Energy Consultants - RPEC.

ESOS can be very time consuming and frustrating for your staff responsible for collecting and collating the required data, but our dedicated ESOS lead assessor will work with you from the start to full ESOS compliance to remove as much as possible of these so that you can focus on your business.

We provide you with total peace of mind with regards to the energy saving measures identified and the projected savings, will help with compiling a compelling business case and develop a Measurement and Verification plan to measure and report the savings.

Get in Touch!

Please contact us on 03300 881451 to discuss your requirements. We look forward to working with you!