ESOS Phase 3 compliance and using ISO 50001 as an alternative route.
We provide guidance on how to use the ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard as an alternative route to ESOS Phase 3 compliance.
ISO 50001:2018 Energy Management Standard was published in August 2018 and supersedes ISO 50001:2011.
The key changes in the Energy Management Standard from 2011 to 2018 are;
Improved compatibility with other ISO management system standards (ISO 14001, ISO 9001 etc.) as the revised standard is based on ISO Annex SL, the high-level structure (HLS)
Provides greater clarification of existing concepts and includes new definitions including energy performance improvement
Improved sections on collecting data and normalisation
Stronger emphasis on the responsibility of leadership and greater employee contribution
Expects energy performance to be integrated into the structure of an organisation
Achieve continual improvement of energy performance and the energy management system.
ISO 50001:2018 still follows the Plan, Do, Check and Act (PDCA) process as indicated below;
Plan - Conduct an energy review and establish a baseline, Energy Performance Indicators, objectives, targets and action plans in line with energy policy
Do- Implement the energy management action plans
Check - Monitor, measure and report the results
Act - Take actions to continually improve energy performance and the Energy Management System
ESOS Phase 3 in the UK summary
The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme Regulations 2014 - ESOS Regulations is the UK Governments approach to implement the requirements of Article 8 of the EU's Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU).
The intended outcome of ESOS is to reduce energy consumption, reduce carbon emissions and associated costs.
ESOS is conducted every 4 years and the compliance period for ESOS Phase 3 is from 6 December 2019 to 5 December 2023.
The qualification date for ESOS Phase 2 is 31 December 2022.
ESOS Phase 3 compliance must be completed and reported to the Environmental Agency by 5 December 2023.
ESOS does not require that any identified improvement opportunities be implemented but does bring energy performance of the qualifying company or group of companies to the attention of the board.
Using your ISO 50001:2018 as a route to ESOS Phase 3 compliance
If you are running an ISO 50001 system or in the process of having your Energy Management System certified and it covers ALL your energy use (for the whole corporate group in the UK), then this counts as your ESOS assessment and can be used as an alternative to produce an ESOS report.
To be compliant and acceptable by the Environmental Agency as an alternative route to ESOS Phase 3 compliance, the 3rd party certified Energy Management System must;
be UKAS approved
be valid at the compliance date (5 December 2023)
cover all the assets held, and activities carried on by your organisation as at the qualification date (31 December 2022)
If you are compliant via this route you would NOT need to calculate your total energy consumption and would NOT require an ESOS consultant or lead assessor to comply with ESOS.
However, you would still need to;
get a board level director to confirm that they have reviewed the findings of your ISO 50001 certification, the organisation is compliant and the information which is going to be entered in the notification is correct
make an online notification to the Environmental Agency to specify that this is how you are compliant with ESOS Phase 3.